

Home Volunteers CHN Foundation Doctor's Day Online Gift

Doctor's Day Online Gift

Making a Secure Online Gift using Paypal (No PayPal account is required).

To make a gift:
1. Click the "make an Online Donation" link (above). You will be securely directed to PayPal.
2. Under "Your Order Summary" (left side of page) you will see "Doctor's Day Gift".
3. Enter the amount you wish to "Gift" in the "Item Price" field.
4. Leave the quantity as "1".
5. Click the "Update" button. You will be shown the amount you wish to "Gift" as "Item Total".
6. Payment Options:

  *Paying with a debit or Credit Card
  • Click "Don't Have a PayPal Account?".
  • Enter your payment information and click "Review and Continue" at the bottom.
    •       Click the ADD button, then type in the Doctors name, click SAVE.
  • If the information is correct and you have added the Doctors name to apply payment, click the "Pay Now" button.
  • Once your payment has been processed You will see a confirmation screen and link to print a receipt (if desired).
  • A confirmation email will be sent to your email address.
  • Your payment is complete. Thank You.
  *Paying with your PayPal account
  • Click "Log In to my PayPal Account".
  • Enter your email address and your password, click "Log In".
  • On the "Review your information" page, please Add the name of the Doctor to apply this Gift
    • Click the ADD button, then type in the Doctors name, click SAVE.
  • If the information is correct and you have added the Doctors name to apply gift, click the "Pay Now" button.
  • Once your payment has been processed You will see a confirmation screen and link to print a receipt (if desired).
  • A confirmation email will be sent to your email address.
  • Your payment is complete. Thank You.
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CHN Volunteers

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CHN Foundation

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CHN Careers

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