Our Board of Directors work closely with CHN's administrative and medical staff to address long-range issues such as finance, patient care and planning.
The 2012 CHN Board of Directors
Kristin Galatowitsch, Chairman
Russell Kuehn, Vice Chairman
Larry Wise, Treasurer
Thomas Willett, DO, Secretary
Frank Cumberbatch
Paul Kujawa
Pat McConnell
Thomas Riek
P. Michael Shattuck, MD
Jolene Hostak
Nathan Luedke
John Feeney
Interested in a seat on the CHN Board of Directors?
Community Health Network is seeking individuals to submit their name for nomination to the CHN Board of Directors.
Submissions are due by October, 2013.
How to apply?
All candidates must be current CHN Members.
Please complete the Board of Directors Prospective Candidate application form (see link below) and direct your application to:
225 Memorial Dr.
Berlin, WI 54923
Attention: John Feeney
Questions, Contact Rita Rhein [email]
CHN Board of Directors Documents