

Home Patients & Visitors

Our Patients & Visitors

Community Health Network (CHN) is focused on providing our patients and visitors with the best possible experience at our hospital and our clinics. We wish to make you as comfortable, relaxed and safe as possible. Our staff and resources are committed to bringing you the best healthcare possible.

We understand you have many choices for your healthcare needs and everyone at CHN appreciates your kind consideration. At CHN...People Matter.

Please call (920) 361-1313 with any needs, concerns or requests, our staff will be very happy to help you.


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CHN Volunteers

Volunteer_logoWhile expert medical providers, management and caring staff are instrumental in leading our organization, providing these services would be impossible without the dedication and commitment of our valued CHN Volunteers. Read More >>

CHN Foundation

foundation_logoBeyond hands-on medical care our CHN Foundation, a 501 (c) (3) charitable organization, is available to help area children, adults, and families. Read More >>

CHN Careers

Whether you prefer the excitement of helping implement cutting-edge treatment technology or the close relationships that evolve through contact with patients and their families, you can find your special place at CHN. Work With Us>>>
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