Message from the President
CHN's goal is to empower every employee, physician, and volunteer to enable our mission of providing superior services to improve the health of those we serve. At the very center of all our efforts are the patients and the families we serve, and we work exceptionally hard at providing the quality care and compassion that each patient deserves. Our job is to provide you superior services, and we embrace and challenge that opportunity each and every day.
The addition of new physicians to our community shows our continued commitment to excellence. New high-end equipment, techniques, and procedures put our rankings with those in the highest. Our new Surgical Care Center, a $6 million expansion onto the Berlin Memorial Hospital, is currently under construction and on schedule for a Fall 2005 opening.
Explore Our Website
I welcome you to explore our website and health information programming anytime you need additional information regarding you or your loved one's health. Please be sure to contact us if we can help you in anyway.
Craig W.C. Schmidt
Chief Executive Officer