Community Health Network
 Special Events
CHN Healthy Living Fair & “Helping Hands for Cancer 5K Run/Walk”
For the past seven years a community-wide Health Fair and Helping Hands for Cancer 5K Run/Walk has been held. This special day devoted to health will again be featured on Saturday, May 17, 2008 from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. The event is held on the CHN Berlin Memorial Hospital Campus. If you would like to participate as a vendor, please read the Vendor Letter and the Vendor Registration Form.
If you would like to participate in the 5K Run/Walk, please read below.
CHN Helping Hands for Cancer 5K Run/Walk
Through your support, CHN Helping Hands for Cancer is raising money to benefit the Community Health Network Foundation - Lucille Schultz Caring for Kids Fund and the Sandy Tincher Trust Fund. For more information on this event, click on the following link. Helping Hands for Cancer Brochure
CHN Foundation Charity Golf Classic
Mark your calendar for June 11, 2008, as plans are being prepared.
Check Back Soon
For more information on current or future events, please contact:
CHN Marketing
Phone: 920-361-5480 or 1-800-236-1283, ext. 5480
email: chnmarketing@chnwi.org