Safe Place for Newborns
 Are You Hiding Your Baby?
 Don't Panic
There is a Safe Place for Newborns
You can leave your unharmed baby, up to 3 days old, with a hospital employee at any hospital in Wisconsin. No questions asked - not even your name. No police will be called. The baby will be given medical care, and then placed in foster care for adoption.
Call Our Free Crisis Line: (877) 440-BABY
Help is Available Now
Don't Wait! When you're scared it's easy to think that you are all alone - but there are many people who are ready and willing to help. Our 24-hour Crisis number is ready now to connect you with the help you need.
 Frequently Asked Questions
What is Safe Place for Newborns?
Safe Place for Newborns promotes the new Wisconsin law, which provides a mother, who might otherwise abandon her newborn, with the option of anonymously leaving her unharmed baby, up to 3 days old, with the employee of a hospital without fear of prosecution. If she cannot get to a hospital, she can give her newborn to an emergency medical technician or even a police officer. If needed she can even call 911 for assistance.
Will the mother be asked any questions, or will the authorities be contacted?
No authorities will be contacted and the mother's identity will not be asked. The mother will be asked if she is willing to answer a few medical background questions for the baby's records. The mother will also be asked if she would like to receive any medical care.
Why 3 days?
The first hours of a newborn's life are the most vulnerable, therefore, more urgent. Also, Wisconsin already has Crisis Nurseries that receive children of all ages.
Why is there a need for Safe Place?
There is an escalating crisis in the United States. Mothers are keeping their pregnancy a secret, and then discarding the child after the birth. Safe Place for Newborns provides an alternative to frightened women, who, in a moment of desperation, may do something drastic.
What happens to a child left with Safe Place?
The hospital will provide any needed medical care. They will contact the Department of Health and Human Services, who will assume custody of the baby, and follow normal child abandonment procedures.
What happens if the mother or father changes their mind and wants their baby back?
They can contact the hospital. The hospital will refer them to the Department of Health and Human Services. Normal identification procedures will be followed and the DHHS will determine the best course of action.
If the newborn is injured or harmed, but a mother chooses to use the program, could she be turned away or face prosecution?
No newborn will be turned away. However, the guarantees of anonymity and freedom from prosecution only apply to those mothers bringing unharmed newborns.
Can anyone other than the mother of a newborn use this program without fear of prosecution?
Yes, if the person is acting with the mother's permission. If the newborn is unharmed, the father or immediate family can use the program within 72 hours of birth.
How can I help?
Since we are still a "work in progress" we welcome offers to help! Presently, we are working on distribution of the Safe Place poster. We want to get it in front of as many young people as possible. Suggestions? Want to help? Contact Safe Place at 608-225-5544.